Friday, June 13, 2008

Kat has landed!

Zdravo (hello) from Montenegro! After around 24 hours of travel and over 30 hours without sleep, I have officially landed in Montenegro. By “accident” I had a 9 hour layover in Rome.  What a blessing to run into another American girl traveling on her own with an open afternoon! She let me drop my belongings off in her hotel and we ran around Rome for a few hours. This is a picture of us in front of the Colosseum. It makes the new Dallas Cowboy monstrocity of a football stadium look tiny and insignificant, especially since this was made without machinery. 20th century folks are such wussies. 

I have my own room at a house with a welcoming and hospitable Montenegrin family. And to answer the first 2 questions I always have, yes,  there is running water and working toilets! I was actually welcomed the first night by a rare Texas-sized thunderstorm that reminded me of home. The city I am in was built ON the mountain and next to a coast. It is absolutely breathtaking. I have spent the last few days walking around town, learning some language basics (serbo-croatian), learning more of the history of the region, and basically getting accustomed to the area. Next week I will begin to teach an intermediate and advanced English class. I'm looking forward to getting better plugged into the culture and meeting some of the native Montenegrins! 

More pictures and updates will be coming after I get a chance to take a few more pictures and have more time to get settled. PLEASE let me know if you have anything you'd like to know more about! Thanks for checking in!

Cucemo se! (Keep in touch)


Jen Yirak said...

YAY! :) I'm so glad you're there safe and sound. what an adventure. I love the picture!

Jonathan said...

Great picture!!!!!!! Thats bigger than the new Dallas Cowboys stadium?!! Impressive. Karlie wants souveniers (or however it's spelled)...

Have fun!!!